Do you have a case of the Mondays?

Written by Kevin Khoury on June 27, 2023

If You Have a Case of the Mondays Because



You probably already know this, but you're not alone. I've found online stats that claim anywhere from 50%-80% of people hate their jobs. I hope you're planning your swift escape. Life's too short for this πŸ’©.


I once had a case of the Mondays myself. It was roughly a decade ago. I'll spare the details, but I fell into most of the above categories and needed out. I really wanted to start my own company and thought that if I learned how to code, I could build stuff on the internet and sell it (look out Mark Zuckerberg).


Fast forward to today, I'm actually the founder of a coding school (, a product company (, and a holding company where I plan to invest in real estate and other businesses.


I have the freedom and flexibility to work on the things I love every day.


I strongly feel that if you're not satisfied with your current day-to-day, you need to work towards making a change.


Sometimes we fall into what Albert Einstein harshly refers to as "the insanity loop." He's coined for saying


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."


Basically, we start to think that a breakthrough will fall into our lap even though we're doing the same thing day in, day out.


If you want the trajectory of your life to change, the things you do daily have to change.


The most important thing is to take action and not let yourself get stuck in the same routine that's making you unhappy. You have the power to change your situation and create a life that you love.


Most people will never make the leap because;


When I started my business, all of the above were true (except I didn't have kids yet). In order to de-risk myself, I built my business part-time. I would run courses during nights/weekends teaching people how to code. I didn't use any fancy marketing tactics to get my first customers, I leveraged local Montreal Facebook groups.


Not sure this strategy would work today, but at the time it only took 6 months of hustle before I had enough traction to jump into it full time.


Let me just clarify that 6 months is not a long time. I had proved there was demand for my product and was comfortable taking the leap. But it took another 5+ years before I was earning more than 6 figures.


In order to stay out of the trap of falling back into the Monday blues, I've created myself a vision board. It's a system that helps me break down my long-term dreams into short actionable goals. With this system, I can ensure that I am always working towards building the life I want.


It looks like this:


I've been loving this exercise so much. It has helped me clarify the steps I need to take today to achieve my goals. Before this, I would find myself always dreaming about 10+ years out but never actually taking the time to think of how I could actually get there. Starting with my longer-term goals and breaking them down into smaller chunks has been a really clarifying exercise.


If you're suffering from the Monday blues, I want to encourage you to try this out. It can really help you define a winning strategy to break out of whatever situation you're currently in.


Here's how it works:


1. Start big with 10-year goals

It all starts with dreaming big. Think about where you'd like to be in 10 years. I like to think of myself holistically and include all aspects of my life (e.g., I want a cottage on a lake to enjoy with my wife & kids, I want "x" million in real estate investments, I want to earn "x" amount, I want to run 5 miles in "x" time).


2. Break it down to 3-year goals

From your 10-year goals, what part do you want to achieve in the next 3 years?


3. Break it down to 1-year goals

From your 3-year goals, what can you accomplish in the next 12 months?


4. Your 30-60-90 plan

Here's where the momentum starts to build. Create yourself a plan of attack for the next 30-60-90 days. What can you start to do today to work towards the future you want?


My philosophy here is that done is better than perfect. You can get yourself a copy of my vision board template by emailing me with the subject "Vision Board" and I'll send it over for free.


This vision board has helped me:


You can print it out and start brainstorming. There's no right or wrong, and you can (and will) be adjusting it over time. The point is just to start.


I hope this inspires you enough to break out of the Monday blues and reach for your goals.


Wishing you good luck!




About the author

Hey, I'm Kevin πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I appreciate you so much for being here! My name's Kevin and I'm the founder of Journey Education. Our company builds innovative educational products that helps people unlock their potential - much like this bootcamp that we built in partnership with Concordia 😍.

Ever since I landed my first job in tech in my early 20s, I fell in love with the industry. I love the vibrant yet relaxed workplace cultures, the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world, the people you get to meet and work with, the very fair wages, and the opportunity you're given to build digital products that can potentially be used my millions of people.

This project has been a huge passion of mine since we started in back in 2014. Our mission at the time, and in fact still is - to give people an accelerated path to a career in tech.

Concordia Bootcamps is built and run with people who share this same energy and passion as I do. I'm so excited to help you break into tech!